Funderburk Wins Award in International Art Show and Appears in Creative Quarterly

Brent Funderburk, professor of Art at Mississippi State University, has a series of his artworks presented in the current Spring 2015 issue #37 of “Creative Quarterly: The Journal of Art and Design”. British painter Nathan Walsh selected “New Solar Myths- Dreams of Palladio” to appear in the Professional Fine Art area of the international publication. The juror selected 25 artists for the Fine Art awards section. Funderburk was one of only four artists with five works selected.
Funderburk’s mixed media pieces “Palladio’s New Myth”, “Before/After the Fall”, “Hypnopompic”, “True Myths”, and “Beauty is Not Enough” are shown in Creative Quarterly, now available at most books stores, such as Barnes and Noble, and can also be viewed at the CQ Online Gallery. This is the fourth time he has won awards in this competitive magazine, which was recently named “one of the top one hundred art and design publications in the world.”
The artist also had two works, “Infusion” and “Palladio’s New Myth” accepted by Canadian artist and exhibition juror Linda Kemp into the International Society of Acrylic Painters 6th Annual International Open Online Show 2015. Funderburk was awarded the Strathmore Prize for his painting “Infusion”. The show will be presented on the ISAP website beginning April 6.
Funderburk has taught at Mississippi State University since 1982.